Weekend workshop “Glass painting”

For beginners and interested parties

You will create your own stained-glass in 3 days, from the design to the final product.

Are you fascinated by the art of stained-glass? Have you wanted to try it out for a long time? Or do you already have experience in the production of art glazing and would like to expand your knowledge?

In our workshop, you will learn how to make your own stained-glass - from design to completion.

1st day: Friday, 12–18 h

Development of the design 
Creating the outline and stencilling 
Cutting the glass 
Stained glass first step: painting the contours 
followed by the first intermediate firing overnight

2nd day: Saturday, 11 a.m. — 5 p.m.

Remaining cuts 
Glass painting second step: coating and wiping technique / etching 
Stained-glass third step: application of silver yellow and glass enamel colors 
followed by the second intermediate firing overnight

3rd day: Sunday, 11 a.m. — 5 p.m.

Joining the individual pieces of glass with H-lead profiles to form a lead glazing. 
Soldering, cementing and cleaning the lead glazing. 
Soldering on suspension eyelets, fitting the chain 
And you are already holding your first self-made stained-glass in your hands.

We work in the beautiful ambience of the “Weiberwirtschaft” start-up and entrepreneurship center in the heart of Berlin.

Subway: U8 Bernauer Straße    
Streetcar: M1 Zionskirchplatz or M10 Bernauer Straße


Date: December 6. to December 8. 2024

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